Maple syrup made from the sap of a tree is one of Mother Nature’s finer gifts. But if you’ve ever gotten it stuck to your fingers or underneath the lid of the container, you know just how sticky that stuff can be. Washing your hands is easy, but when tree sap gets on your brand new car, it can feel like the end of the...
Cars are a bit of an oxymoron. On the one hand, their purpose is to take us through harsh elements and road conditions to get us safely to and from destinations. But on the other hand, we love to just stare at them inside of the garage where they’re safe from all harm. But what if there was a way to have it all? What...
If you’ve ever decided to paint a room in your house, you know that it’s not as easy as applying a single coat. It takes both a primer and a base coat to ensure that your paint job is long-lasting and pleasing to the eye. While your dining room needs to look great, we hope that it doesn’t get exposed to weather, rocks, bird droppings,...
Driving a brand new car off the lot gives you an unmatched sense of pride. Mostly because the sheen and luster of a brand new ride might be enough to stop traffic itself. But after a while, dirt, dust, and drizzles take your car’s shine and make it less fine. Keeping your car nice and polished isn’t just good for its aesthetics. A polished vehicle...